Marko Heikkinen, guitarrista de Satellite Stories


Una de las bandas nordicas más en forma de la actualidad pop es Satellite Stories. Justo hace un año los descubrimos en Los Conciertos de Radio 3 y nos encandilaron. Este mes estarán en nuestro país presentando su último trabajo Vagabonds. Un placer compartir Las 5? con Marko, su guitarrista.


1- ¿Cuál fue el primer disco que te compraste?

Blur13. I was 14 years old and I had just seen Song 2 at MTV. At the time I thought that the band was all about 2 minute grungey pop hits. Instead I got a brooding gospel album.

Blur, 13

2-¿Cuál es, para ti, la joya más preciada de tu colección de discos?

I would have to say that the most precious albums I have are the records that really got me into indie music ten years ago. By those I mean the first albums from Maximo Park, The Futureheads and Arcade Fire

A Certain Trigger, Maximo Park

The Futureheads

Arcade Fire, Funeral


3-¿Tu portada de disco favorita?

Talking HeadsRemain in Light. The colors and the unnatural computer editing make that cover really stand out. It’s like there is something hidden on the record.

Talking Heads, Remain in Light


4-¿Qué vinilo regalarías a alguien que se acaba de comprar un tocadiscos?

The original LP version of Return of the Durutti Column. The sandpaper sleeve is a kind of a thing that only works with vinyl records.

Return of the Durutti Column

5-¿Qué es para ti el Record Store Day?

It’s a great day for musicians and normal record listeners, but a hellish, never-ending nightmare for collectors who have to buy all the limited editions.